Tomorrow is the full moon. The Sturgeon moon. Getting it's name for the best time to catch the giant Sturgeon fish of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain by the Native American tribes, according to Farmers Almanac.  Other names include the "Full Green Corn Moon," "Wheat Cut Moon," "Moon When All Things Ripen," and "Blueberry Moon.".

Coming out of the July Cancerian and eclipse season, the energies will feel a bit more gentle with this full moon. However, some re-evaluation will take place with social groups.... and love can be a bit edgy.

This full moon lands itself in the sign of Aquarius. The humanitarian's of the zodiac. This may bring up issues with feelings of  "where do I belong", and questioning your contribution to your community. You may even re-evaluate your social groups and feeling of "not fitting in" may be triggered.

Take this time to reflect on if you have become complacent and maybe even bored with your current situations. You may find that you are craving something new. Some new stimulation. Even if it is as simple as downloading a new playlist or trying out a new restaurant. Sometime small actions can revive the most mundane days.

Another aspect that this full moon plays on is its opposition to Venus. Feelings of loneliness may arise.

Needing a deeper connection to your spouse or mate, friends, or longing for a romantic connection may take focus over this time. If you are in an amazing relationship, don't be surprised if you start getting on each others nerves and irritating each other! Finding some humor will take the edge off and not make the small stuff so serious. 

Be gentle on yourself. Honor your feelings, but try not to react right away. Rather take a breathe, nurture yourself and process without judgement. The issues that arise are there for you, as a gift, to give you the opportunity to fine tune your life as the master artist, for a blessed and happy life.

Aloha and Light!

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